Thursday, August 13, 2020

Expression of Checking for Understanding : Pengertian, Ungkapan dan Respon, Contoh dialog

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahiwabarrakatuh.

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester I setelah Asking for Attention adalah Checking for Understanding. Checking for undertanding adalah ungkapan atau ekspresi yang digunakan untuk mengecek pemahaman seseorang atau lawan bicara kita mengenai apa yang kita sampaikan
kepadanya. Respon yang diberikan bisa positif (paham) atau negatif (tidak paham).

Understanding is the cognitive condition of someone who understands. If you want to check for, to show, and to express lack of understanding, you may say the following expressions. (Pemahaman adalah kondisi kognitif seseorang yang mengerti. Jika kamu ingin mengecek, menunjukan, dan mengekspresikan kurangnya pemahaman, kamu dapat mengucapkan ungkapan berikut.)

Some expressions related to Checking for understanding (menanyakan pemahaman).
untuk mengecek pemahaman seseorang terhadap apa yang kita sampaikan, maka kita bisa menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris berikut ini : 

1. Do you understand what I’m saying?
    apakah kamu mengerti apa yang saya ucapkan?

2. Do you know what I am talking about?
    apakah kamu tahu apa yang saya bicarakan?

3. Do you know what I mean?
    apakah kamu tahu maksud saya?

4. Does that make any sense?
    apakah itu masuk akal?

5. Do you get my point?
     apakah kamu paham maksud saya?

6. Do you follow me?
    apakah kamu paham?

7. Are you with me?
    apakah kamu paham?

8. Have you got it?
    apakah kamu mengerti?

9. Any question?
    ada pertanyaan?

10. You know?
      apa kamu tahu?

11. You see?
      apa kamu paham
Showing understanding (menunjukan pemahaman).

  • I understand what you are saying. (Aku paham dengan apa yang kamu katakan).
  • I know what you are talking about. (Saya tahu apa yang kamu bicarakan).
  • I hear what you are saying. (Aku paham apa yang kamu katakan).
  • I see what you are saying. (Aku mengerti apa yang kamu ucapkan).
  • I see what you mean. (Aku mengerti apa yang kamu maksud).
  • I know what you mean. (Aku tahu apa yang kamu maksud).
  • I’m with you. (Aku mengerti).
  • I hear you. (Aku mengerti)
  • I know. (Aku tahu).
  • I see. (Aku paham). 

   Dialog 1
   Mr. Eko  : Today, we will make an example of advertisement. Do you understand?
   Students : Yes, Sir.
   Mr. Eko : What did I say?
   Students : We will make an example of advertisement, sir.


   Dialog 2
   Yenita   : Mom, do you cook fried chicken? I am hungry.
   Mother : Yes, I want to cook fried chicken. 

                  Unfortunately, yesterday I forgot to buy oil, sauce and flour.
   Yenita   : Poor me.
   Mother : Can you help me to go to supermarket please?
   Yenita   : Certainly mom.
   Mother : Remember this. Buy 1 pack of flour, I bottle of sauce and 1 bottle of frying oil. Is it clear?
   Yenita   : Yes, I understand mom. 


   Kalimat : Is it clear? adalah ungkapan mengecek pemahaman (checking for understanding)
   sedangkan kalimat : Yes, I understand mom adalah tanggapan paham (positif response)

Expressing lack of understanding (menunjukkan ketidakpahaman).

  • I don’t get it. (Aku tidak mengerti).
  • What do you mean? (Apakah maksudmu?).
  • I don’t follow you. (Aku tidak mengerti maksudmu).
  • I’m not following you. (Aku tidak mengerti maksudmu).
  • I’m sorry, I don’t understand. (Maaf, aku tidak mengerti).
  • I don’t quite follow you. (Aku tidak cukup mengerti maksudmu).
  • I’m not sure I get your point. (Aku tidak yakin aku mengerti maksudmu).
  • I’m not sure I get what you mean. (Aku tidak yakin aku paham dengan maksud kamu).
  • I’m not sure I know what you mean. (Aku tidak yakin aku paham maksud kamu).

Dialog 3
Miss Ana : Hallo students, today we are going to discuss about our speaking English club.
                   It will be started next week. I will lead this club with miss Diah. 

                   Do you know what I mean?
Fania         : I am sorry, I don’t understand it. May I ask a question?
Miss Ana  : Certainly.
Fania        : What time the English speaking club will be started?
Miss Ana : After school we have break for thirty minutes then we will be started at two p.m.
                   and the class will end at three p.m. Do you get the point?
Fania        : Yes, I get the point now. Thank you.


Ssilahkan kalian mencoba untuk membuat sebuah dialog singkat untuk mengecek pemahaman seseorang dengan menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan diatas.

Demikianlah penjelasan tentang materi mengecek pemahaman (Expression of Checking for understanding) kali ini. semoga menambah wawasan kalian dan bermanfaat. Tetap semangat belajar and good luck...

Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahiwabarrakatuh.


  1. Sasa:Can you help me?
    Dita:Yes, of course. What can I do for you?
    Sasa:Can you go to the supermarket and buy me a fruitty, Vegetables and egg, please?
    Dita:okay! you remember what I say?
    Dita:yes, I Do. A fruitty, vegetables and egg. Is it right
    Sasa:yes, you are right. Thank you
    Dita:you're welcome

    Keisha anindya Hapsari 8A

  2. Mr.farid:today,we will make and example of you ready to shcool understand.
    Mr.farid:what did I say?
    Studebts:we will make and example of adversitement,sir.

  3. miss naila:hallo students today we are going to discuss about our speaking english club
    it will be started next week i will lead this club with miss sinta
    do you know what i mean?
    Ana:i am sorry .i dont under stand it.may lask a question?
    Ana:what time the english speaking club will be started?
    miss naila:after school we have break for thirty minutes then we will be started at two p.m.and the class will and at three p.m do you get the point
    Ana:yes .i get the point now .thank you
    NAMA:Rohmatul khasanah
    kelas :8A

  4. Rina:Hi Sindy
    Sindy:Hi Rina
    Rina:have you finished the assigment
    From Mrs.Santi
    Sindy:yes,I've just finished it.How
    about you?
    Rina:not get,i'm still confused in
    Answering some question
    Especially changing the verbs
    Of active sentence into passive
    Or vice Versa
    Sindy:oh,that one. Before you change
    The sentence into passive or
    Active please make sure what
    Kind of sentence it is,an
    Active sentence,you need to
    Change the verb 1 into verb 3
    Or vice Versa . Do you get my
    Rina: i'm not sure i get your point
    It's confusing
    Sindy: that okay Rina. Iwill teach
    You and give some example so
    You can understand
    Rina:sure Sindy,If you don't mind
    Sindy:okay ,let's study together
    Rina: okay Sindy
    Nama: Rakhsandrina kaysa Syifa
    Kelas: 8A

  5. Hera:excaues there a gas station around here?
    Mr.Jasson:yeah,there is two near here.
    Hera:could you tell me how to get there?
    Mr.jasson:ok,go straight down this street for three Bloks ,turn right when you see bakery.then go straight about 8meters ,it's on the left hand side.have you got it?
    Hera:yes I see,thank you sir
    Nama:Nur Naailatun Nafiisah

  6. Reza :"Hey, Tom!"
    Tomy :"Hey Reza, what's happening? You look so confused.
    Reza :"I don't understand what the teacher said in Biology class."
    Tomy :"Let me help you. Which one don't you understand?"
    Reza :"This one. It is about ecosystem.
    Tomy :"Oh, in an ecosystem there is a living organism such as humans, animals, plants and also non living components such as mineral, air and water. Have you got it?
    Reza :"Yeah, but i'm still not sure about it. Can you teach it to me?
    Tomy :"Yeah sure. Should we study about it in our school library?
    Reza :"Yeah sure, let's Go now.
    Tomy :"Okay."

    Nama : Hamida Nisa Nurhidayah
    Kelas : 8

  7. Miss sintya:Hallo students, today we are going to discuss about our speaking English club.
    It will be started next week. I will lead this club with miss Diah.

    Do you know what I mean?
    Tania : I am sorry, I don’t understand it. May I ask a question?
    Miss sintya : Certainly.
    Tania : What time the English speaking club will be started?
    Miss sintya : After school we have break for thirty minutes then we will be started at two p.m.
    and the class will end at three p.m. Do you get the point?
    Tania:Hallo students, today we are going to discuss about our speaking English club.
    It will be started next week. I will lead this club with miss Diah.

    Do you know what I mean?
    Fania : I am sorry, I don’t understand it. May I ask a question?
    Miss Ana : Certainly.
    Fania : What time the English speaking club will be started?
    Miss Ana : After school we have break for thirty minutes then we will be started at two p.m.
    and the class will end at three p.m. Do you get the point?
    Nama:isna zahrotul ummah

  8. Lugo:sorry to bother you
    Etar:It’s Okay. What’s up?
    Lugo : Can you tell me how to answer these questions?
    Etar: Let me see. First, you must read the text. Then, you read the questions, and focus on the paragraph. Are you with me?
    Lugo : What do you mean by focusing on the paragraph?
    Etar: Well, to find the answer to question number 3, you must focus on paragraph two.
    Lugo : I see. I know what you mean. Thanks.

    NAMA : luthfiatur rahmania
    KELAS: 8A

  9. Mother:Dear, can you help me to cook fish?
    Alya :Yes, Mom
    Mother: Will you buy me some fish in the market, first?
    Alya :Okay, Mom. I will go there by a motorcycle
    Mother: All right. And please don’t forget to buy ginger at Bu Ma’s shop. Do you know what I mean, dear?
    Alya :I don't quite follow you, Mom.
    Mother: please don’t forget to buy ginger at Bu Ma’s shop Okay, be careful dear.
    Alya : thank you Mom. I’ll go now.

  10. Name:Karina Kusumaningtyas

  11. Ana : Dad, I can't do my English homework. Can you help me?
    father : Yes, sure. Let me read it first. It is easy. You just read it carefully and find the key words from the questions. And then, match it with the text. Do you understand?Ana : Yes, I am, Dad. Find the keywords. I'll try, Dad.
    Father:Good luck
    Nama:isna zahrotul ummah

  12. Name:Dina tata ilvana

    Nata:mom,can you help me?
    Mother:yes of course darling,what can i do?
    Nata:i don't understand what this matter means?
    Mother:i see what you mean
    Nata:have you got it
    Mother:yes,i see
    Nata:thank you mom you is best mother ever

  13. Azky: Have you done the homework?

    Zaky: Sure. What about you?

    Azky: Not yet. Number 4 is confusing.

    Zaky: Number 4? All you need to do is just telling about your daily activities from waking up until going to the bed at night.

    Azky: Is that all?

    Zaky: Yes. Do you get the point?

    Azky: Sure, I do.
    Name:Fatihah lutfiatin


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