The text for number 1 to 2.
Please come and celebrate with us at a
Surprise Graduation Party
in honour of our Son's hard work and effort!
Michael has gained a BA
(Hoes Graphic Design from Glasgow School of Art)
Join us on
Saturday March 25"', 2020 at 7.30 pm
The Castle Rooms, Uddingston.
See you there!
Tomy and Fanya Gates
Please R.S.V.P. by Monday March 13"', Proud Mum – Fanya Gates,
Orchardlton Cottage, Main Street, Rothesay, Isle of Bute.
1. Where is the party be held?
A. Michael Orchadlton Cottage
B. Glasgow School of Art
C. The Castle Rooms
D. Uddingston
Pertanyaannya adalah where (dimana) pesta diadakan, jd jawabannya dilihat dari kalimat yang
menunjukkan tempat yaitu The Castle Rooms, Uddingston.
2. From the text we can say that ....
A. The party will be held in Orchardlton Cottage
B. Tomy and Fanya Gates are Michael’s parents
C. Michael must work hard to pass the examination
D. You should confirm to Michael before coming to the party
Dari kalimat “in honour of our Son's hard work and effort, Michael has gained a BA”
(untuk menghormati kerja keras dan usaha Putra kami, Michael telah memperoleh gelar BA
” bisa diketahui bahwa Tomy and Fanya Gates are Michael’s parents.
The text for number 3 to 4. Dear Mariana,
Please join us at the New Year’s Eve celebration at 11.00 p.m at my house,
Flamboyan street number 09, Yogyakarta.
There will be games and lots of fun.
R.S.V.P Jojo (081577342156)
3. What is the purposes of the text?
A. To forbid students to come to farewell party
B. To remind someone to celebrate farewell party
C. To inform someone about New Year’s Eve celebration
D. To invite someone to attend New Year’s Eve celebration
Tujuan (purpose) dari teks diatas bisa ditemukan pada “Please join us” itu menandakan mengajak
untuk bergabung dalam sebuah acara. Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah D.
4. Who will be holding the party?
A. Jojo
B. Dinda
C. Silvia
D. Mariana
Who itu menanyakan "siapa" jadi yang mengadakan pesta adalah Silvia.
STUDENT ORGANIZATION5. When will the meeting be held ? (soal menemukan informasi tersirat)
SMP. Negeri 45 Bantul
JL Cempaka Putih Barat 15
Telp (021) 4244612
Dear Sabrina,
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
On Saturday, August 18, 2020
At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
In the school hall
Agenda : final preparation for the 2020 PENSI competition.
please come on time, see you there.
Naila, Galih
Secretary Chair Person
A. At night
B. In the morning
C. In the evening
D. In the afternoon
Waktu acara yang tertera dalam undangan adalah At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
Jadi, artinya rapat diadakan pada siang hari (in the afternoon).
A. If you could not come, you should call Naila.
B. The meeting will be held in the school hall
C. The meeting only invites the committee
D. The meeting will be held in the morning
Undangan tersebut menyatakan bahwa pertemuan akan diadakan di “school hall”.
Jadi jawabannya adalah A.
7. “We invite you to attend our meeting …”.
The underlined word is closest in the meaning to…
A. Refuse
B. Join
C. Pass
D. Do
Kata attend artinya menghadiri, join = bergabung, pass = lulus, do = mengerjakan.
Jadi yang mempunyai arti hamper sama adalah “join”.
Join us for lots of fun
It’s Satria’s Thirteen birthday!
June 26, 2020
4.00 p.m
Cenderawasih street 231A Yogyakarta
RSVP to Bayu at 085742215486
By June 15th.
8. How old is Satria?
A. 3 years old
B. 5 years old
C. 13 years old
D. 30 years old
Dari kalimat “It’s Satria’s Thirteen birthday” diketahui bahwa umur Satria sekarang
adalah Thirteen (13 tahun).
9. What should the invitee do before coming to the event ?
A. Come to Cenderawasih street 231A
B. Ask Bayu’s family to have lots of fun
C. Tell Satria that they will come to his house
D. Dial 085742215486 to inform their attendance
Pertanyaannya: apa yang harus dilakukan orang yang diundang sebelum datang.
Dibagian bawah tertulis kalimat “RSVP to Bayu at 085742215486”. Jika ada kata RSVP
maka harus konfirmasi kedatangan, apakah dia bisa datang atau tidak dalam acara tersebut.
The text for number 10.
It’s a birthday party for Mariska Johan10. Mariska’s parents wrote the card … Mariska’s birthday party.
Come and share the joy
There’ll be ice cream and cakes for every girl and boy
Saturday July, 15; 4.00 p.m.
At Johan House green pramuka apartement 2nd floor
R.S.V.P: November (021) 435 6570
A. To infrom
B. To tell about
C. To invite people to
D. To make people enjoy
Purpose = tujuan, jadi teks tersebut bertujuan untuk mengundang orang-orang datang
ke pesta Mariska Johan.
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