Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Soal SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2017 dan pembahasannya.

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahiwabarrakatuh.

Halo adik-adik semua.. bagi kalian kelas 12, sudah siapkah kamu menyambut seleksi akbar, SBMPTN? Bagi kamu yang saat ini masih bingung mencari soal-soal SBMPTN, maka kamu berada di artikel yang tepat. Dalam blog ini akan membahas latihan soal SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris 2017. Semakin penasaran? Yuk, segera kerjakan soalnya!

The text is for number 1 to 4.

        As well as getting more sleep, those who go to bed early and wake up early will probably also have a better quality of sleep. The reason for this is that it means your sleep/wake cycle will be closer
to the rising and setting of the sun. This will then mean that your ‘internal pacemaker’ (your natural body clock) is closer to the ‘external zeitgebers’ (the external cues that indicate what time it is). When the sun is out, our body detects this and produces less melatonin so that your sleep will not be as deep. In short then, the most restorative sleep is that which happens when it is darkest, which is usually from around 10-11pm through to 5-6am.

       Furthermore, if you often wake up late, you are constantly rushing in the morning, then you will
be getting your day off to about the worst start possible. This also means you are unlikely to get a proper breakfast, and probably going to forget something, which definitely means you are going to
feel very stressed out and panicked. How about a huge shot of stress hormones to get you started?
It is not a good idea for your back to rush first thing in the morning either – seeing as it will be softer and more easily injured when you first spring out of bed.

        On the other hand, imagine being able to get up one or two hours before you need to leave.
That way you could make yourself a great breakfast, take a long hot shower, do some stretching or meditation and maybe watch the news while you iron. You will find that as a result, you turn up to
work looking much belter, feeling much better and performing much better.

        Waking up early can also be highly beneficial on the weekends as it means you get to be up
during the quieter times of day when no people around. As a result, you will have a few quiet hours
to watch your favourite show, to read the paper or a novel, or to work on a side-business.

(Adapted from;
(SBMPTN asli 2017)

1. The paragraph preceding the passage most likely discusses ….
    A. sleep quality of those who go to bed early and wake up early
    B. the importance of going to bed early and waking up early
    C. one advantage of going to bed early and waking up early
    D. the reasons of going to bed early and waking up early
    E. how to increase quality of sleep by waking up early

2. What is the author’s attitude toward the topic of the passage?
    A. Positive
    B. Negative
    C. Concerned
    D. Approving
    E. Uninterested

3. Based on the passage, the earlier people get up in the morning, the ….
    A. more they need to work
    B. better start they have for the day
    C. better income they get from side-business
    D. longer time they need to prepare themselves
    E. longer time they need to make breakfast and iron their clothes

4. What is the best summary of the passage?
     A. It is important for people to have a positive morning to probably have good time during the day,
          This can be made possible by going to bed early, and waking up early. On weekends, positive
          morning allows people to do things they cannot do during work days.
     B. People who go to bed early and get up early can enjoy some benefits. Their cycle is similar to
          the sun’s time, allowing them to have the most restorative sleep. On weekends they can have
          more time to do things they cannot do during weekdays.
     C. Early risers will probably have positive start in the morning. They have more time to enjoy
          breakfast and prepare themselves for the day. On the other hand, getting up late will probably
          lead to morning rush. This may influence people’s performance during the day negatively.
     D. Going to bed early and waking up early result in some positive consequences: leading to a
          better quality of sleep and having positive morning. One can have good breakfast and is well
          prepared for activities during the day. On weekends, getting up early allow people more quiet
          time to do things they cannot do during weekdays.
     E. Having the habit of going to bed early and waking up early, people can enjoy several benefits:
          having better quality of sleep because their cycle is similar to the sun’s time and having good
          breakfast. Their weekends will be better than their weekdays.

The text is for number 5 to 9.

        Scientists are as obsessed with the question of why the super old survive and thrive as Ponce
de Leon was the Fountain of Youth. They want to understand why the Japanese islands of Okinawa
are home to the world's largest population of centenarians, with almost 600 of its 1.3 million
inhabitants living into their second century–many of them are still active and looking decades
younger than their actual age.

        In addition to studying these populations intensively to unlock their secrets, scientists have also taken a hard look at the very old in the U.S., most notably in the New England Centenarian Study,
led by Dr. Thomas Perls, a geriatrician at Boston University. While the very old are happy to offer homespun explanations for their longevity–"I never took a drink; "I drank a shot of whiskey every day"–experts are trying to unravel and understand the biological factors that allow some people to
reach 100 while others drop off in their 70s or 80s. Researchers are particularly interested in determining which factors allow up to 30% of those who reach 100 to do so in sufficient mental and physical health: a whopping 90% of centenarians, according to Perls, remain functionally independent up to age 92.

        It is pretty obvious even to non-scientists that how you get there depends on the genes you are born with and lifestyle–what and how much you eat, where you live, and what types of stress and trauma you experience. How much each of these factors contributes, though, was unknown until Swedish scientist tackled the problem in 1998. They looked at a set of people who share genes but
not lifestyle: identical twins who were separated at birth and reared apart. If genes were most
important, you would expect the twins to die at about same age. In fact, they do not, and the average determined. The dominant factor is lifestyle.

5. What is the topic of the text above?
     A. Long life span
     B. Health secrets
     C. Survival
     D. Old age
     E. Youth

6. According to the information in the passage, people may ...
    A. Reach an old age if their parents do so.
    B. Reach old age if they keep a healthy lifestyle.
    C. Fail to reach an old age' unless they are mentally healthy.
    D. Not reach old age unless they live in areas where it is prevalent.
    E. Reach old age if they are brought up separately from their siblings.

7. Which of the following is true about the information in the text?
    A. Okinawa people look younger than their actual age.
    B. Gene quality contributes much more to life span.
    C. All alcoholic drinks decrease life expectation.
    D. All of Dr. Perl's subjects are self-reliant.
    E. Super old people normally can exceed 100.

8. How is the information of the last paragraph the text organized?
    A. Each question is provided with an illustration.
    B. Scientific questions are followed by studies.
    C. Each study is followed by research findings.
    D. Three related questions are followed by one finding.
    E. Scientific questions are presented from general to specific.

9. Which of the following best express the main idea of the text?
    A. Several biological factors are at work affecting life span.
    B. Biological factors influence mental and physical health.
    C. Genes and life styles are essential for a long-life span.
    D. Elderly people cluster in particular parts of the world.
    E. The population of the elderly people is increasing 

The text is for number 10 to 12.

         Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) is a rare disease of unknown cause that results in the progressive narrowing of the blood vessels of the lungs, causing high blood pressure in these blood vessels and eventually leading to heart failure. It is more common in women between the ages of 21 and 40; however, it can affect anyone at any age.
        Initial symptoms of PPH may be very minor, and diagnosis may be delayed for several years
until symptoms worsen. Typical symptoms may include shortness of breath following exertion, excessive fatigue, dizziness, fainting, weakness, ankle swelling, bluish lips and skin, as well as chest pain. It is difficult to detect PPH in medical examination.
         No one knows what causes PPH; however, research into the cause suggests a number of factors that may be responsible for the disease. Possible causes include genetic or familial predisposition, immune system disease, or drugs or other chemical exposures.
         Primary pulmonary hypertension is treated with a number of drugs. None of the drugs that can cure or halt the progression of this disease has been found yet, but they may relieve symptoms. Some patients take vasodilators, which help to dilate the blood vessels in the lungs, reducing the blood pressure in them. In addition, anticoagulants may be used to decrease the tendency of the blood to clot in the lungs. Doctors can choose from a variety of drugs that help lower blood pressure in the lungs and improve heart performance in many patients and medication that may take a long period of time. Patients with PPH respond differently to the different medications that relax blood vessels and that no one drug is consistently effective in all patients.
         Most doctors and patients agree that it is very important for both patients and families to be as informed as possible. This lets everyone understand the illness and apply the information to what is happening. In addition to family and close friends, support groups can help PPH patients and give
some valuable experience sharing among sufferers.

10. Based on the information in the text, primary pulmonary hypertension….
      A. is a rare disease that cannot be cured
      B. optimally needs medical treatments
      C. will contribute to death if left untreated
      D. requires long-term alternative therapies
      E. implies malfunctioning of cardiovascular

11. The teacher asked the lazy student …. the English classes.
      A. how often he had attended
      B. why hadn’t he attended
      C. when had he attended
      D. hadn’t he attended
      E. that he attended


1. Jawaban B
Pembahasan :
Paragraf sebelumnya membahas apa yang disampaikan di awal teks tersebut, yaitu pentingnya
tidur dan bangun lebih awal.

2. Jawaban: C
Teks diatas adalah analiytical exposition yang menunjukkan perhatian/kepedulian (concern)
penulis akan pentingnya tidur dan bangun lebih awal.

3. Jawaban B
Pembahasan :
Informasi tersebut bisa ditemukan dari paragraf dua.. “Furthermore, if you often wake up late, you
are constantly rushing in the morning, then you will be getting your day off to about the worst start
possible”..kondisi sebaliknya, memulai hari dengan lebih baik(better start they have for the day)
akan didapat jika orang-orang bangun lebih pagi.

4. Jawaban D
Pembahasan :
Summary memuat rangkuman dari topic, agumen dan kesimpulan atau ending dari teks diatas.

5. Jawaban A
Pembahasan : 
Yang menjadi topik dan terus menerus dibahas pada teks adalah mengenai jangka hidup yang panjang.

6. Jawaban B
Pembahasan :
Berdasarkan teks, pernyataan yang benar adalah orang dapat mencapai umur tua dengan menerapkan gaya hidup sehat. 

7. Jawaban A
Pembahasan :
Yang benar menurut teks di atas adalah orang-orang Okinawa terlihat lebih muda dari usia aslinya. 

8. Jawaban B
Pembahasan :
Informasi pada paragraf terakhir dibahas dengan mengemukakan pertanyaan ilmiah seperti "How you get there depends partly on the genes you are born with and partly on lifestyle-what and how much you eat, where you live and what types of stress and trauma you experience." lalu dilanjutkan dengan studi ilmiah yang dilakukan oleh ilmuan Swedia dengan meneliti orang-orang kembar yang memiliki gen sama namun gaya hidup yang berbeda. Hasil studi ini dapat menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan sebelumnya pada paragraf ini.

9. Jawaban C
Pembahasan :
Topik dari teks adalah jangka hidup panjang, lalu secara garis besar teks membahas mengenai penelitian tentang faktor apa saja yang dapat membuat jangka hidup orang panjang, dan pada paragraf tiga diperjelas bahwa gen dan gaya hidup yang mempengaruhi jangka hidup orang.

10. Jawaban: B
Pembahasan :
Soal tipe sulit HOTS biasanya membuat kamu memahami secara mendalam kalimat yang tersaji dalam pilihan jawaban karena ditulis dalam bentuk restatement (kalimat yang ditulis dengan adanya perubahan struktur, perubahan kosakata, peringkasan detil, namun tidak meninggalkan informasi utama yang dinyatakan dalam wacana). Terkadang pula, pilihan jawaban yang tersedia membutuhkan pemikiran logis terhadap perbandingan kalimat yang dinyatakan dalam wacana dan kalimat yang tersaji sebagai pilihan jawaban. Tak jarang pula, pilihan jawabannya membutuhkan pemahaman atas seluruh gagasan pokok yang telah dibahas.

Dalam soal di atas, misalnya, pilihan A dan B terdapat informasi yang tidak akurat karena penyakit ini belum ditemukan obat penyembuhnya, bukan berarti tidak bisa diobati dan penyakit ini menyebabkan gagal jantung akibat peningkatan tekanan darah, bukan karena hilangnya fungsi jantung. Pilihan C tidak bisa dijadikan jawaban karena informasi terkait hal tersebut tidak diberikan (not given) sehingga dalam konteks reading comprehension menjadi salah karena tidak sesuai dengan informasi yang ada di dalam teks. Kesesuaian pilihan D dengan isi teks menjadikan pilihan E salah karena mengandung infomasi yang tidak akurat bahwa yang dimaksud terapi alternatif adalah pengobatan nonmedis, padahal memang dibahas bahwa penyakit ini butuh perawatan medis jangka panjang.

11. Jawaban: A
Pembahasan :
Soal tipe sulit (HOTS) biasanya menguji beberapa subtopik sekaligus dalam satu soal serta disajikan dengan model yang berbeda dengan contoh kalimat yang ditulis saat pengajaran. Seringkali, model soal yang disajikan boleh dimodifikasi sehingga tidak terlihat dengan jelas soal itu membahas tentang materi grammar apa.

Dalam kasus soal Indirect Speech di atas, soal dimodifikasi dalam bentuk kalimat biasa sehingga tidak terlihat bahwa itu adalah soal kalimat tidak langsung karena tidak ada bentuk kalimat langsung yang disajikan. Soal tersebut juga tidak menguji perubahan struktur kalimat biasa, melainkan kalimat tanya yang biasanya dianggap sulit oleh para peserta.

Semoga berhasil ...

Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahiwabarrakatuh.

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