Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Asking and Giving Permission : Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat dan Dialog, Soal

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahiwabarrakatuh.

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita pasti pernah meminta izin kepada seseorang untuk meminjam menggukan sesuatu atau meminta izin melakukan sesuatu. Pastinya kita meminta izin itu dengan
sopan agar orang lain mengizinkan kita menggunakan barang miliknya. Dalam bahasa inggris dianjurkan menggunakan kata “ Please”.

Permintaan izin dalam bahasa inggris disebut dengan Asking for Permission dan Giving
permission berarti memberi izin. Mari kita langsung simak saja penjelasannya di bawah ini.

Berikut ini adalah kata-kata yang sering digunakan untuk meminta izin dan contoh kalimatnya.

Example :

Do you mind if I sit down next to you?
Apakah kamu keberatan kalau saya duduk disampingmu?

Would you mind if I borrowed your money?
Apakah kamu keberatan jika saya pinjam uangmu?

Would it be all right if I played music?
Tidak masalahkan jika saya setel musik?

Can I do the dishes for you?
bisakah aku mencuci piring untukmu?

May I go out tonight mom?
Bisakah aku pergi malam ini ibu?

Can I borrow your book, please?
Bisakah aku meminjam bukumu, tolong?


1. Generally it is very polite to make asking for permission by using the expression “Excuse me”
    before we ask permission.
    1. Excuse me, May I go to the teacher’s room?
    2. Excuse me, would you mind if she does homework with me?
    3. Excuse me, would it be alright if I finish it later?

2. We can also use other subjects in asking permission.
    1. Would you mind if Rahma go with me, please?
    2. Do you mind if they join us to study?
    3. Can she accompany me to go to the market?

3. Don’t forget to use the word “Please” in asking permission to do something to make it is
    more polite. The word “please” can be put in different places in the sentence, it can be at
    the start, at the end or before the verb. Dalam bahasa inggris kita dianjurkan untuk
    menggunakan kata “ Please” agar ungkapan izin itu lebih sopan.
    1. May I borrow your phone, please?
    2. Please, can I use your computer for a moment?
    3. Could we please go on trip to Sarangan this weekend?

Giving Permission
Yes, Please.
Yes, it’s my pleasure
Yeah, sure
Go ahead.
Absolutely sure.
Yes, Please do.
No problem.

Refusing Permission
No, sorry.
Not this time
No, you can't.
No, Please don't.
I need to say no
I think you shouldn't do it.
No, I think it's impossible.
Sorry, but that’s not possible
Unfortunately, I must say “no”
I would rather that you didn’t
I am sorry that will not be possible
I am afraid that’s out of the question 


1) Could you do me a favor? (Bisakah kamu membantuku?)
     Yes, I could (Ya, saya bisa)

2) Can I call you tonight? (Bisakah saya menelfonmu nanti malam?)
     No, you can’t. I will be busy tonight. (Tidak, saya sibuk nanti malam)

3) May I turn on that air conditioner? (bolehkah saya menyalakan AC? Rasanya agak gerah)
     Yes, you may (ya, silahkan)

Conversation 1

Sony   : Hi Ted, do you mind if I use your hand phone for a moment? My hand phone is off
             and I need to call my brother.
Teddy  : Sure, I don’t mind. Here is my phone.
Sony   : Thanks friend. It will only be a minute or two.
Teddy  : Take your time. No rush.
Sony   : Thanks a lot Teddy.
Teddy  : Don’t mention it. 


Sony   : Hai Ted, apakah kamu keberatan jika aku menggunakan telepon genggammu?
             Telepon genggamku mati dan aku perlu menghubungi kakakku.
Teddy : Tentu, tidak masalah. Ini teleponku.
Sony   : Terima kasih teman. Aku hanya pinjam selama satu atau dua menit.
Teddy : Gunakan saja. Tidak usah buru – buru.
Sony   : Terima kasih banyak Rio.
Teddy : Terima kasih kembali. 

Conversation 2

Linda : Would you mind if I came in late to work tomorrow?
Dendi : I’m afraid I’d prefer if you didn’t.
Linda : Hmmm. What if I work overtime tonight?
Dendi : Well, I really need you for the meeting tomorrow. Is there any way you can do
             whatever it is you need to do later.
Linda : If you put it that way, I’m sure I can figure something out.
Dendi : Thanks, I appreciate it.

Conversation 3

Kikan : Morning, Cindy.
Cindy : Hi morning, Kikan.
Kikan : Do you still have the newest novel of Harry Potter?
Cindy : Yeah, I still have it. What’s up, Kikan?
Kikan : I really want to buy and read it. However, the novel is sold out.
             Can I borrow your novel?
Cindy : Oh I see, but I’m afraid you can’t. My cousin still borrowed it.
Kikan : That’s okay, maybe next time.
Cindy : I’m sorry Kikan, but I will let you know when she has returned it.
Kikan : Sure, thank you so much.
Cindy : Anytime Cindy.


Kikan : Selamat pagi Cindy
Cindy : Hai, selamat pagi Kikan
Kikan : Apakah kamu masih memiliki novel Harry Potter terbaru?
Cindy : Ya, aku masih memilikinya. Ada apa Kikan?
Kikan : Aku sungguh ingin membeli dan membacanya. Namun, novelnya sudah
             terjual habis. Bisakah aku meminjam novelmu?
Cindy : Oh begitu, tapi aku khawatir kamu tidak bisa. Sepupuku masih meminjamnya.
Kikan : Tidak apa-apa Cindy, mungkin lain waktu.
Cindy : Maaf Kikan, tapi aku akan memberitahumu jika dia sudah mengembalikannya.
Kikan : Tentu, terima kasih banyak.
Cindy : Kapanpun Kikan.


Create asking for permission expression using the following situations!

1. You want to use the computer
    Answer : ________________________

2. You want to take someone's picture
    Answer : ________________________

3. You want to go camping with your friends
    Answer : ________________________

4. You want to your friend's comic
    Answer : ________________________

5. You want to go to Delia's birthday party
    Answer : ________________________

Fill in the blank space of the dialogue below with appropriate answer!

Bintang : Excuse me. would you mind if I open (1) ....?

Michael : Not at all, Please (2) ...!

Bintang :Thank you. It's very (3) .... here.

Michael : (4) ... Can I take some (5) .... from your pitcher?

Bintang : (6) .... Can I have that new newspaper (7) ....?

Michael : I am sorry, I haven't (8) .... reading it. I will give it to you (9) .... I've finished.

Bintang : (10) ....

a. true                         b. hot                         c. thank you                      d. certainly

e. for a while              f. go a head                g. the window                   h. as soon as

i. finished                   j. water

Sekian penjelasan tentang materi dan soal exercise Bahasa Inggris tentang asking and giving permission kali ini. Semoga dapat membantu pembelajaran kalian. Jika kalian menyukai materi ini silahkan share dan berikan komentar di kolom komentar agar miss Shanty lebih semangat menulis konten yang lebih baik lagi. Thank you for visiting this blog and have a nice day!

Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahiwabarrakatuh.


  1. Exercise.
    1.Can I use this computer?
    2.Can I take your picture?
    3.Would you mind if you went camping
    Wity me?
    4.May i borrow your comic?
    5.Do you mind if i go to your
    birthday party Delia?

    1.G the
    2.E for awhile window
    3.B hot
    4.A true you
    5.J water
    6.D certainly
    7.H as soon as
    8.I finished
    9.F go a head
    10.C thank


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