Dalam berkomunikasi, ada kalanya kita menginginkan orang-orang untuk mendengarkan apa yang ingin kita bicarakan. Biasanya, kita akan mengatakan “permisi”, “bisa dengarkan saya sebentar”,
“boleh saya minta perhatiannya sebentar?”. Nah, dalam bahasa inggris, hal ini disebut dengan
Pengertian Asking for Attention Attention is the process that a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the
(relative) exclusion of others. Attention is a general interest that leads people want to know more.
There are two kinds of attention expressions, namely asking for attention and showing attention.
(Perhatian adalah proses dimana seseorang konsentrasi pada beberapa fitur lingkungan terhadap pengecualian (relatif) orang lain. Perhatian adalah kepentingan umum yang membuat orang lain
ingin tahu lebih banyak. Ada dua macam ungkapan perhatian, yaitu maminta perhatian dan
menunjukan perhatian.)
Ekspresi ini akan digunakan ketika kita membutuhkan perhatian dari orang-orang, ketika ingin menyampaikan sesuatu. Ada kalanya kita berada di kondisi yang tidak kondusif, namun ingin menyampaikan sesuatu, yang kita ingin untuk didengarkan.
1. Showing Attention (Menunjukan Perhatian)
- Oh, I see.
(Oh, begitu.)
- Is that all?
(Apakah itu semuanya?)
- Tell me more about it. (Katakan padaku lebih banyak tentang itu.)
- Oh my God! What happens next?
(Oh Tuhanku! Apa terjadi selanjutnya?)
- What's next?
(Apa selanjutnya?) - And then what?
(selanjutnya apa?)
2. Asking and giving attention
Asking attention/Meminta perhatian adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta perhatian
dari seseorang. Giving attention/Memberi Perhatian adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk
memberikan perhatian/respon.
Asking for attention
1. May I have your attention
2. Can I get the attention
3. Excuse me
4. Attention please!
5. Listen to me
Giving Attention
1. Yes Sir/Ma’am
2. is that all?
3. I see. Tell me more about it.
4. Really?
5. All right
Ungkapan Asking for Attention lainnya :
- Attention, please!
(Mohon perhatian!)
- May I have your attention, please!
(Bolehkah saya meminta perhatianmu!)
- Your attention, please!
Mohon perhatian!)
- Excuse me!
- Sorry to trouble you.
(Maaf mengganggumu.)
- Sorry to bother you.
(Maaf mengganggumu.)
- Look, what I've got here.
(Lihat, apa yang saya dapatkan disini.)
- Look!
- Hey!
- Hey, listen! I have a good news.
(Hey, dengarkan. Saya mempunyai berita bagus.)
- Hi, guess! I got an interesting news.
(Hai, tebak. Saya mendapatkan kabar menarik.)
- Listen! I have something to tell you.
(Dengar! Saya mempunyai sesuatu untuk diceritakan kepadamu.)
Contoh Ekspresi Asking for Attention
Sebagai contoh ketika berada di sebuah situasi ruangan kelas dimana seorang guru tidak bisa memberikan penjelasan dengan baik dan tepat karena situasi kelasnya tidak kondusif, maka guru tersebut bisa mengekspresikan asking for attention agar para murid bisa mendengarkan penjelasan
yang sedang diberikan. Begitupun sebaliknya, murid bisa meminta perhatian guru apabila ada hal
yang kurang jelas.
Teacher : Every body, may I have your attention please!
(mohon perhatian semuanya!)
Student 1 : Yes sir!
(Iya pak)
Teacher : I will give you some explanation about this material, so please listen to me. (Saya akan menjelaskan kepada kalian tentang materi ini, jadi tolong dengarkan saya.)
Student 2 : Sir, may I get your attention please?
(Pak, bolehkah saya minta perhatiannya sebentar?)
Teacher : Yes, what’s wrong?
(Ya, ada masalah apa?)
Student 2 : Can you repeat this part for me?
(Bisakah Anda mengulang bagian ini untuk saya?)
Contoh lainnya saat kamu ingin memberitahukan sebuah informasi penting kepada teman.
Anis : Fina, please listen to me!.
(Fina, tolong dengarkan aku!)
Fina : What’s wrong? What’s happening?
(Apa yang terjadi? Ada kejadian apa?)
Anis : I just got the reply about the email that we sent to the company! (Aku baru saja mendapatkan balasan mengenai email yang kita kirim ke perusahaan itu)
Fina : Really? Are we gonna be interview then?
(Benarkah? Apakah kita akan interview?)
Anis : I think so.
(Aku rasa begitu)
Fina : I hope so
(aku berharap begitu)
Contoh Dialogue:
Read and practise the following dialogue then answer the questions.
Mrs Yeni : All students, attention please!
Students : Yes, ma’am.
Mrs Yeni : Well, we will do the second exercise on Wednesday.
Students : Oh my God
Mrs Yeni : Please listen to me!
Students : Yes, ma’am
Mrs Yeni : The material is about chapter 1 and chapter 2. So you have to make preparation
about it. Don’t forget to enrich your vocabularies with exercise!
Students : Yes, ma’am. We understand.
Mrs Yeni : Okay, that’s all for today. Good luck then and see you
Students : See you too ma’am
1. How many person are there in the dialogue? Who are they?
Answer : _____________________________________
Answer : _____________________________________
3. What does the teacher say to get the attention?
Answer : _____________________________________
4. When will the students have second exercise?
Answer : _____________________________________
Answer : _____________________________________
Itulah Penjelasan The Expression of Attention Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8. Mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan dalam penulisan. Semoga bermanfaat.
1.two many person, they mrs.yeni and student.
ReplyDelete2.what the teacher saya to student please attention
3.teacher say to get the attention please listen to me
4.they Will do the second exercise on Wednesday
5.the material is about chapter 1 and 2
ini punya siapa?
Delete1.two many person, they mrs.yeni and student.
Delete2.what the teacher saya to student please attention
3.teacher say to get the attention please listen to me
4.they Will do the second exercise on Wednesday
5.the material is about chapter 1 and
1.Two, mrs. Yeni and Students
ReplyDelete2.well, we will do the second exercise on Wednesday
3.please listen to me
5.chapter 1 and chapter2
Keisha anindya hapsari
Fitri nurhasanah
ReplyDelete1.Two,Mrs.yeni and student
ReplyDelete2.well,we will do the second exercise on Wednesday
3.please listen to me
5.chapter 1 and chapter 2
Isna zahrotul ummah
1. 2 person, they are Mrs Yeni and student
ReplyDelete2.Mrs Yeni tell about second exercise on Wednesday.
3.Mrs Yeni say "please listen to me!" Mrs Yeni say the material is about chapter 1 and chapter 2. So the student have to make preparation.
4.the student have second exercise on Wednesday.
5.the material about chapter 1 and chapter 2
1. 2 person, they are Mrs Yeni and student
Delete2.Mrs Yeni tell about second exercise on Wednesday.
3.Mrs Yeni say "please listen to me!" Mrs Yeni say the material is about chapter 1 and chapter 2. So the student have to make preparation.
4.the student have second exercise on Wednesday.
5.the material about chapter 1 and chapter 2
Luthfiatur rahmania
1.2,mrs yeni and students
Delete2.mrs yeni tell about second exercise on wednesday
3.mrs yeni said"all students attenion please" and "please listen too me"
4.on wednesday
5.the material about chapter 1 and chapter 2
1.mrs.yeni and student
ReplyDelete2.mrs.yeni said that students Will do the exercise
3."All student attention please!" Please listen to me
4. Wednesday
5. The matelial about chapter 1 and chapter 2
Rakhshandrina kaysa Syifa rafani
Nma;Aisyah putri 8A
ReplyDelete1).there are = mrs yeni and studetns
2) the material is about chapter1 and chapter 2 have to make preparation
3) attention please!
Please listen to me!
4) they will do the second exercise on wednesday
5) about materia lh chapter 1 and chapter 2 then vocabularies with exercise
1.2 (two).mrs yeni and students
ReplyDelete2.mrs yeni said that student will do the exercise
3.all student attention please!please listen to me
5.the material about chapter 1 and chapter 2
nama :Rohmatul khasanah
Nama:aida syifa
ReplyDelete. 2 person, they are Mrs Yeni and student
2.Mrs Yeni tell about second exercise on Wednesday.
3.Mrs Yeni say "please listen to me!" Mrs Yeni say the material is about chapter 1 and chapter 2. So the student have to make preparation.
4.the student have second exercise on Wednesday.
5.the material about chapter 1 and chapter 2
1. There are 4 persons in the dialogue.
ReplyDelete2. Fina
3. Please Pay Attention To the Lesson
4. So you have to make preparation
5. vocabularies
1.2,mrs yeni and students
ReplyDelete2.mrs yeni tell about second exercise on wednesday
3.mrs yeni said"all students
attenion please" and "please listen too me"
4.on wednesday
5.the material about chapter 1 and chapter 2
Nama:Karina kusumaningtyas
ReplyDelete1.There are two person. Mrs yeni and students
2.the teacher tell to the students that there will the second exercise on wednesday and the material is about chapter 1 and chapter 2
3. The teacher say "please listen to me"
4. The students have the second exercise is on wednesday
5. The material should be learned by the students is chapter 1 and chapter 2
Nama: *Naavila Khairina Ahza*
ReplyDelete1. Many persons,Mrs Yeni and Students
2. She tells to the students will do the second exercise
3. Attention please
4. The students have second exercise on Wednesday
5. The material is about chapter 1 and chapter 2
1.two person,they are mrs.yeni and students.
ReplyDelete2.the teacher does tell the second execise on wednesday.
3.the teacher does say to get the attention to all students.
4.the students will have second exercise on wednesday.
5.the material is chapter 1 and chapter 2.
ReplyDeleteNama: Petrina Mutia Ramadhani
ReplyDelete1.two person,mr.yeni and student
2.the second exercise on Wednesday.
3. mrs yeni said"all students attenion please" and "please listen too me"
5.the material about chapter 1 and chapter 2
Nama:Fatihah Lutfiatin Nisa
ReplyDelete1.two person:mr yeni and student
2.mrs yeni said that student will do the exercise
3.all student attention please!please listen to me
5.the material about chapter 1 and chapter 2