Friday, November 6, 2020

Soal SBMPTN beserta Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasannya

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahiwabarrakatuh.

Hallo adik-adik semuanya terutama kelas 12 yang sebentar lagi akan mengikuti tes masuk Perguruan Tinggi. Selamat datang di blog sederhana ini. Disini saya akan memberikan contoh soal dan pembahasan (menyusul). yuk langsung saja kita coba mengerjakan latihan soalnya dibawah ini.

The text for number 1 to 8.
        A kiss is a demonstration of friendship or love or a form of greeting expressed by pressing the
lips or cheek of one person to the lips, cheek, or hand of another. In the Western world, a kiss is used
to express (2)___ between members of the same or different sexes and is practiced by all age groups. While certain sexual implications are recognized by the act of kissing, in the West a kiss often is given ceremoniously and in public.
         In East Asia a (3)_____ influence of Western mores on younger persons has been noted.
Although a kiss generally involves the lips, in some cultures the touching of any part of one’s face
to that of another could be construed as a kiss. Eskimos touch noses (4)_____ In southeastern India
the custom is for one person to apply the mouth and nose to the cheek of another, and then inhale.
The Lapps of northern Europe have a ritual (5)_____ the nose of one is pressed against the cheek
of another, whereupon the active partner then makes a nasal-sounding noise.
        At the conclusion of the act, the eyelids are lowered and the lips smacked.It is not known
precisely when and where the practice of kissing first began. It has not been found recorded in early writings about ancient Egypt. In India, however, the practice (6)_____ as early as 1200 B.C. The
early Greek historian Herodotus revealed that among the Persians equals in rank kissed on the mouth, whereas unequals in rank greeted each other on the cheek. Hebrew history contains references to
"Esau falling on the neck of Jacob and kissing him". Early Christians saluted one another with a
holy kiss. Since that time, a kiss (7)_____ part of many Christian services.
        The Kiss of Peace, a gesture of greeting exchanged between worshippers, is now part of the Roman Catholic Mass. The Kiss of Death is a term used to designate a fatal or destructive relationship or action. It is presumed to have originated with Judas Iscariot, who used a kiss to identify Jesus Christ
for arrest.

1. The sentence "However, older Chinese and Japanese still consider the act of kissing to be
    intimate and reserved for moments of privacy." should be put as ...
    A. the last sentence of paragraph 1.
    B. the last sentence of paragraph 2.
    C. the last sentence of paragraph 3.
    D. the last sentence of paragraph 4.
    E. the last sentence of paragraph 5.

2. A. acceptable, affectionate and love
    B. acceptable, affective and loving
    C. acceptance, affection and love
    D. acceptably, affectionately and lovingly
    E. acceptance, affect and love

3. A. grow
    B. grew
    C. grown
    D. will grow
    E. growing

4. A. a greeting as a means of expressing
    B. expressing of as a means a greeting
    C. of expressing a means as a greeting
    D. a greeting as expressing of a means
    E. as a means of expressing a greeting

5. A. in which
    B. whose
    C. which
    D. that
    E. who

6. A. may have been introduced
    B. would have been introduced
    C. should have been introduced
    D. could be introduced
    E. may be introduced

7. A. became
    B. becomes
    C. had become
    D. will become
    E. has become

8. The expression "It is presumed to have originated with Judas Iscariot ..." in the last sentence
    of paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ...
    A. It is thought that Judas Iscariot coined the term.
    B. It is certain that the term originated with Judas Iscariot.
    C. It is thought that Judas Iscariot used this term to describe this action.
    D. It is understood that Judas Iscariot was the first person who used the term.
    E. It is believed that the term came from Judas Iscariot betrayal of Jesus Christ.

The text is for number 9 to 13.

       Education is often viewed as school in a traditional, formal sense. Many people believe that
true learning can only take place in a formal classroom setting. Others feel education occurs in many different forms and environments. There may not be a definitive answer to the question of, 'What is education?' However, we can start thinking about the purpose of education. Is it to educate youth
to be responsible citizens? Is it to develop individuals, as well as society, in order to ensure a society's economic success? Or is it to simply focus on developing individual talents and intelligence? Perhaps
it is the balance of all three that defines education? While our answers may differ, we can perhaps
agree that education is a basic human right. When that right is granted growth and development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such as health, nutrition, general income and living standards and population fertility rates.
        As global citizens it is our responsibility to critically think about the issues and attempt to come
up with solutions to the problems plaguing education. In 1990 UNESCO launched EFA, the movement to provide quality education for all children, youth, and adults by the year 2015. The unfortunate reality is that for many countries, larger issues some before improving the quality of education. How can we achieve the goals of EFA when numerous countries around the world are faced with challenges that seem far too impossible to overcome? The answer lies in attempting to bridge some of the gaps that prevent developing nations to compete with developed nations. One example is that of providing greater access to technology and narrowing the ever widening digital divide. In many ways the most basic access to technology can serve as a valuable educational tool. Individuals who are not afforded this access are at a disadvantage when trying to grasp opportunities to make life better for themselves, their families, and their community.
(SNMPTN 2009)

9. The author's main concern in the first paragraph of the passage is that .....
    A. there is no exact definition about education.
    B. education is a fundamental individual's right.
    C. everyone has the right to get quality education.
    D. education occurs in any place not just schools.
    E. development can be gained through education.

10. If the author is right concerning the role of education, the following might be predicted to
      take place, EXCEPT.........
      A. lesser birth rates
      B. improved welfare
      C. better quality living
      D. more job opportunities
      E. longer life expectation

11. The following sentences reflect the author's opinions in the passage, EXCEPT .......
      A. education cannot be easily defined.
      B. everyone has the right to get education.
      C. education is basic to human development.
      D. EFA provides quality education by 2015.
      E. The EFA goals are faced with serious challenges.

12. The situation the author shows in the passage is best described as a follows ........
      A. education is essentially everyone's right yet it still has its challenges.
      B. quality education fundamentally ensures quality living in all sectors.
      C. there are problems in education in spite of its significant role.
      D. absence of an exact definition causes problems in education.
      E. as long as nations compete, education cannot progress.

13. The part following the passage above would likely discuss .........
      A. needs of modem digital technology to back up the implementation of EFA in education.
      B. roles of technology in providing individuals with cheap and accessible quality education.
      C. lack of access to technology in developing countries to support educational practices.
      D. inability of developing nations to compete with developed countries in technology.
      E. government's roles and responsibilities in managing education for their citizens.


1.  Jawaban A
     Pembahasan :
     Kalimat "However, older Chinese and Japanese still consider the act of kissing to be intimate
     and reserved for moments of privacy." meminta kita untuk mencari kalimat yang bertentangan
     dengan kalimat tersebut. Maka, kita harus mencari ide yang bertentangan dengan privasi. Dari
     paragraf 1 kita ketahui tentang ide public. Karenanya, pilihan A adalah pilihan yang tepat.

2. Jawaban C
    Pembahasan :
    Pada pilihan kita dapat melihat bahwa kata – kata yang muncul dihubungkan dengan ‘and’,
    maka untuk mencari jawaban yang tepat, pertama kita harus melihat setiap bentuk kata,
    semua kata harus memiliki bentuk yang sama.

    (A) acceptable, affectionate and love = adjective, adjective, noun
    (B) acceptable, affective and loving = adjective, adjective, adjective
    (C) acceptance, affection and love = noun, noun, noun
    (D) acceptably, affectionately and lovingly = adverb, adverb, adverb
    (E) acceptance, affect and love = noun, verb, noun

    Maka pilihan B, C, dan D memungkinkan. Setelah kita melihat rumpang, kita ketahui bahwa
    pilihan yang mungkin adalah pilihan noun. Jika kita artikan, maka kalimat rumpang akan menjadi
    : … digunakan untuk mengekspresikan penerimaan, kasih, dan sayang.

3. Jawab : E
    Pembahasan :
    Untuk mengisi rumpang seperti ini, kita harus mengingat rumus frase benda article – adjective –
    noun, a adalah article dan influence adalah kata benda, maka jawaban yang mungkin adalah
    grown dan growing. Jika kita memilih grown maka kalimat akan menjadi sebuah pengaruh yang
    dikembangkan; sedang jika kita memilih growing, maka kalimat akan menjadi sebuah pengaruh
    yang berkembang. Sehingga, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah growing (E).

4. Jawaban E
    Pembahasan :
    Dengan melihat kalimat sebelum rumpang, kita ketahui bahwa kalimat tersebut sudah lengkap.
    Maka yang harus dipilih adalah kalimat tambahan, bisa berupa keterangan ataupun klausa.
    Pilih pilihan yang diawali kata keterangan seperti because, to, for, by, as, dsb.
    Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah E (sebagai alat untuk mengekspresikan salam).

5. Jawabaan A
    Pembahasan :
    Cara termudah menjawab pertanyaan seperti ini adalah dengan mencermati pilihan. (B) which
    dan (D) that tidak tepat karena keduanya dapat dipakai bergantian (C) whose tidak tepat karena
    setelah rumpang ada ‘the’ (E) who tidak tepat karena kata sebelum rumpang bukanlah manusia,
    melainkan ritual Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah (A) in which

6. Jawaban A
    Pembahasan :
    Untuk pilihan modal, lebih baik mengartikannya satu persatu setelah meneliti pilihan. Dari
    kalimat rumpang, kita harus memilih jawaban yang mengandung kata ‘have’ karena 1200
    sebelum masehi sudah berlalu. Karenanya pilihan D dapat kita singkirkan.
    Mari kita perhatikan pilihan – pilihan tersebut:
    A. praktik seperti itu mungkin sudah diperkenalkan di awal tahun 1200 sebelum masehi
    B. praktik seperti itu mungkin akan sudah diperkenalkan di awal tahun 1200 sebelum masehi
    C. praktik seperti itu dapat diperkenakan di awal tahun 1200 sebelum masehi
    E. praktik seperti itu seharusnya sudah diperkenalkan di awal tahun 1200 sebelum masehi

7. Jawaban E
    Pembahasan :
    Dengan melihat kata keterangan since kita ketahui jawaban yang tepat adalah has become.

8. Jawaban E
    Pembahasan :
    Pilihan B tidak memungkinkan karena kata presume sendiri memiliki pengertian diasumsikan,
    bukan sesuatu yang sudah pasti. Pilihan C kurang tepat karena kata originate with mengandung
    arti to have something /somebody as a cause or beginning (bahwa seseorang atau sesuatu lah
    yang menyebabkan munculnya sesuatu), bukan sipelaku yang menjelaskan. Selain itu, pilihan C
    senada dengan pilihan A dan D. Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pilihan A dan D juga kurang
    tepat. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pilihan yang lebih tepat adalah E.

9.   B. education is a fundamental individual's right.
10. A. lesser birth rates
11. D. EFA provides quality education by 2015.
12. A. education is essentially everyone's right yet it still has its challenges.
13. A. needs of modem digital technology to back up the implementation of EFA in education.

Semoga apa yang saya sampaikan tentang Pembahasan soal -soal ini bermanfaat untuk kalian
semua. Selamat belajar, semoga sukses aamiin...

Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahiwabarrakatuh

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