Friday, October 30, 2020

Soal bahasa inggris Tes Potensi Skolastik (TPS) UTBK 2019/2020

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahiwabarrakatuh. 

Berikut ini latihan soal-soal tes Potensi Skolastik UTBK 2019. Semoga bisa membantu adik-adik sekalian yang akan masuk Perguruan Tinggi. 

Questions 1to 4 are based on the following passage.

        Forests have the ability to regulate water systems, prevent erosion and flood, and maintain soil fertility. The ability of forests is inseparable from the existence of millions and even billions of trees
in a forest area. Trees only store water for their own needs, and the land saves water.

        Billions of trees with their wide canopies will hold back rain. In this position, rain water does
not directly hit the soil surface, but will fall slowly through the leaves and flow through the tree trunk. Then, the soil surface filled with tree trunks will produce quite a lot of litter originating from organic materials in the forms of leaf and dry twigs. Dramatically, littering is heading towards the decay process. The organic materials are collected on the soil surface.

        Litter blocks the water falling from the canopy so it does not directly hit the soil. Litter also functions as a place to live for millions of organisms (e.g. worms). This organism punctures the land
as a home and place of life. This organism’s behavior causes the soil surface to become loose and porous. When rain drops from the canopy fall onto the litter, the water slowly flows to the soil surface. The loose and porous top layer of soil will absorb the water and then the water will be stored in the aquifer, the underground river.

        The soil surface in the forest has high capacity to absorb rainwater. As a result, most of the rainwater seeps into the soil; only a little becomes running water. Running water is the water that cannot be absorbed by the soil surface. This water will go down to a lower area. If running water exceeds the carrying capacity of the river, it can certainly cause flood. Most of the rainwater that
falls in the forest area will be absorbed by the soil and stored in the aquifer.

        Furthermore, the water stored in the aquifer will come out regularly through springs. From
these springs, water flows through rivers that are mostly found in the forest area. In addition, there
is also underground water that comes out as a spring in the resident wells.

decay              = kerusakan
inseparable     = tidak terpisahkan
resident wells = sumur penduduk

1. The word 'dramatically' in paragraph 2 is best replaced by ....
    A. naturally
    B. gradually
    C. amazingly
    D. surprisingly 
    E. simultaneously 

2. What is the main idea of the passage?
    A. Water guarantees millions of organisms to survive in forest areas.
    B. Land stores and releases water through various processes.
    C. Litter gradually flows water to the soil surface.
    D. Trees store water to fulfill human daily needs.
    E. Forests have various benefits for human life

3. With the sentence ‘This organism's behavior causes the soil surface to become loose
    and porous’ in paragraph 3, the writer intends to ....
    A. describe the organism and its behavior against loose soil
    B. confirm the behavior of organisms in loose soil
    C. compare the loose soil with the porous soil
    D. uncover natural processes at soil erosion
    E. explain the causes of soil erosion

4. What most likely motivates the writer in writing the passage?
     A. There is an unresolved flood problem.
     B. People’s awareness towards reforestation is low.
     C. Not many people understand the benefits of water for forests.
     D. There is the fallacious concept that trees store large amount of water.
     E. The information about the importance of trees in storing water is not available.

The text is for number 5 to 9

        In their latest paper, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, Prof. Philip Munday and colleagues report world-first evidence that high CO2 levels in sea water disrupts a key brain receptor
in fish, causing marked changes in their behavior and sensory ability. They began by studying how baby clown and damsel fishes performed alongside their predators in CO2 enriched water. They found that, while the predators were somewhat affected, the baby fish suffered much higher rates of attrition.

        “Our early work showed that the senses of smell of baby fish was harmed by higher CO2 in
the water, meaning they found it harder to locate a reef to settle on or detect the warning smell of a predator fish. But we suspected there was much more to it than the loss of ability to smell, “ says
Prof. Munday. The team then examined whether fish’s senses of hearing which are used to locate
and hone in on reefs at night, and avoid them during the day was affected. “ The answer is, yes it was. They were confused and no longer avoided reef sounds during the day. Being attracted to reef during daylight would make them easy meat f or predators”

       Their work showed the fish also tended to lose their natural instinct to turn left or right which is
an important factor in schooling behavior which also makes them more vulnerable, as lone fish are easily eaten by predators. Prof. Munday further explains, “All this led us to suspect it wasn't simply damage to their individual senses that was going on -but rather, that higher levels of carbon dioxide were affecting their whole central nervous system”. 

Vocabulary :
attrition      = erosi
sense          = indra
suspected   = curiga
daylight     = siang hari
vulnerable = rentan

5. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage ?
    A. To contrast the influence of carbon dioxide on predators and fish.
    B. To inform the effects of high carbon dioxide in sea water on fish.
    C. To argue over the agility of fish exposed to high carbon dioxide.
    D. To investigate the increase of carbon dioxide level in sea water.
    E. To predict the impacts of poor senses of fishes on coral reefs.

6. Paragraphs 2 and 3 are related in that the first ... .
    A. argues for causes; the latter deals with conclusion.
    B. Describes loss of senses; the latter loss of reactions.
    C. Deals with causes; the latter presents further evidence.
    D. Theorizes the role of O2; the latter describes the effect.
    E. Lists the results of the study; the latter explains the results.

7. The word “them” in’ ... and avoid them during the day ... ‘ (paragraph 2 line 9) refers to ... .
    A. CO2 levels (tingkat CO2)
    B. predators
    C. baby fish
    D. the team
    E. reefs

8. The following is relevant with the idea of the role of the fish’s senses and instinct described
    in the passage except ...
    A. Pigeons send letter to an address
    B. Mice avoid poisons by smelling it.
    C. Babies learn to speak by imitating sound.
    D. People recognize others from their voices.
    E. Dogs sniff rubbles to identify disaster victims.

9. Regarding higher levels of carbon dioxide in sea water is, the author seems to feel very ...
    A. Upset.
    B. Weary.
    C. Excited.
    D. Uncaring.
    E. concerned.





3. Pembahasan :
    kalimat di soal :'Perilaku organisme ini menyebabkan permukaan tanah menjadi gembur dan
    porous 'pada paragraf 3, penulis bermaksud untuk .... E. menjelaskan penyebab erosi tanah




7. Pembahasan : 
    Pembahasan : Kata "mereka" dalam '... dan hindari mereka pada siang hari ...' (par2 baris 9)
    mengacu pada .... E. terumbu

8.  Pembahasan :
    Pernyataan yang relevan dengan gagasan tentang peran indera dan naluri ikan yang dijelaskan
    di bagian tersebut kecuali ....   C. Bayi belajar berbicara dengan meniru suara.

9. Pembahasan :
    Mengenai tingginya kadar karbondioksida pada air laut ini, penulis sepertinya merasa
    sangat ... E. prihatin.


Demikian latihan soal dan pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris tes Potensi Skolastik UTBK Tahun 2019/2020. Semoga bermanfaat untuk kalian semua. Apabila ada tanggapan atau pertanyaan silahkan tuliskan dalam kolom komentar dibawah.

Sumber :

Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahiwabarrakatuh.

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