Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Analisis "The Open Window" by Saki

According to Mark and Kathy Anderson (2002), The category of literary text can be devided into three main text types : NARRATIVE, POETIC, AND DRAMATIC.  
Narrative text type tells a story using spoken or written language.
Poetic text type express feelings and impressions of life.
Dramatic text type use acting to communicate ideas and experiences. Drama can be spoken or written. They often use visual such as facial expressions, costumes and sets to help communicate meaning.

Menurut Mark dan Kathy Anderson sastra dapat digolongkan menjadi 3 macam yaitu cerita, puisi dan drama. berikut ini adalah contoh analisis drama yang berjudul "The Open Window"

By : SAKI (H.H. Munro)

The Open Window was published in the range of 1870-1916. It was published in the range of 1870-1916.

            Framton Nuttle, a nervous young man, has come to stay in the country for his health. His sister, who thinks he should socialise while he is there, has given him letters of introduction to families in the neighbourhood who she got to know when she was staying there a few years previously. 

ELTT 2023: Professional Knowledge

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